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guitar tab - 번역역경매 Ver1.6 > 예·체능 > 음악 > 상세정보
[고유번호 : 19]
guitar tab
최강 기타플래이를 위한 가이드

Welcome to GProTab.net, one of the largest online repositories for free tabs. GProTab.net's purpose is beyond just simple file sharing, but helping people in enhancing their guitar playing and musical skills, as well as maintaining a very high standard for our new tabs. We have a dedicated team of superior moderators who are exceptional musicians who are also very highly skilled with Guitar Pro software.

At the core of GProTab is thousands of Guitar-Pro tabs in our archive; plus a constantly updating database of new tabs submitted by our users on a daily basis.

For you to be able to read and use these tabs, you must have  installed on your system. Guitar Pro is a multi-track tablature editor for guitar, banjo, bass, and any other MIDI defined instrument including percussion. Besides writing scores, Guitar Pro is a useful resource for guitarists from beginner to experienced levels to progress, compose, or simply accompany themselves. Please note that the GProTab Team has nothing to do with the development of Guitar Pro. This is a user community.

Membership to GProTab.net is FREE, and grants you full access to tens of thousands of Guitar Pro tablatures, the ability to share your tabs with others, comment on others' work, have full access to our forums, where you can discuss musical and other issues with thousands of other musicians from all over the world.

입찰마감일 2024-10-31 00:00:00
번역완료일 2024-10-31 00:00:00
번역전언어 일본어
번역할언어 한국어
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